Construction Firms


It is essential to set up a logistical chain of delivery of materials to the object and provide their security when running a construction company. The “Geostron” system helps you control routes of your automobile transport and decide if they coincide with the planned ones. Vehicles loaded with materials might sometimes unapproved trips and a part of the cargo might be stolen.
Besides controlling the moves of your transport you get an opportunity to cut expenses on combustibles as fuel will be spent on covering working kilometers only after the system is installed, special gauges allow analyzing fuel expenses and record an emergency situation.

Строительный транспорт

Строительный транспорт

Строительный транспорт

According to the recent statistics heavy engineering machinery units are being stolen from construction sites. For instance, in the USA it makes about 500 units a week and only 10-15% of them are found. With the help of the monitoring system “Geostron” you will be able to track the location of the stolen vehicles and get them back immediately.

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Телефон: +7 (8552) 59-59-33; +79376137916